Metrin Skincare Experience: Erin’s skin care  journey – from acne to healthy, glowing skin!

From breakouts to healthy, glowing, youthful skin. Find out how Erin uses Metrin as an act of self care & love

“It’s been over a decade now since I started using Metrin Skincare!

Back then, I was 26 years old and my main concern with my skin was its hypersensitivity and unpredictable breakouts. I had tried so many different products and even prescription medications to try to get my skin under control, but my skin was angry and unbalanced and everything I tried seemed to create a new problem without completely solving the first one.
Then I started working at Metrin. I couldn’t help but notice that everyone I worked with truly did seem to have the glowing, smooth skin Metrin advertised. I’d like to say my skin transformed overnight, but it was a bit of a process- it probably took about six months of consistently following the steps before I saw a major difference; but once I started to see the effects, it was a lot easier to keep up the habit!

My skin balanced out and the breakouts that had plagued me since I was a teenager just stopped happening.

After a few years, I realized that my complexion- which had formerly been a major source of insecurity- was now one of the first things people noticed about me. I felt confident that whatever came my way, my skin was taken care of. It might sound silly, but it was such a relief to me that I didn’t have to think about it anymore!
I’m 37 now, and like all the Metrin customers I used to read about as an employee- I constantly receive compliments about my skin, and it is a regular occurrence that someone tells me they can’t believe my age. I still get ID’d when I order a drink at a restaurant!!

I can barely remember what it felt like to worry about my skin!

In the ten years that I’ve been using Metrin, it’s become more than just my skincare routine- it’s part of my self-care routine. It’s part of how I show myself love and caring. It has taught me that great rewards come from consistency and discipline.

I love Metrin Skincare and I will never use anything else.”

Erin R.

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